divendres, 15 d’abril del 2016

Our other classmates who were in the CIRS started with the presentation of the project and the introduction of the people who would be helping them during the three days that would last the project of the construction of a submarine robot. Afterwards, they chose the people with whom they wanted to work with so that they could start the activity. 

The next step was to start the robot: they built the chassis and the control box and also pained it. To end with that first stage, they did all the wiring.

After lunch, we visited the facilities of the Science Park and also saw the robots they had built over the past years.

dijous, 14 d’abril del 2016

On the first day, the group split up into two. Two of us were with the first team strolling around the old town and the third member was at university working on his robot.

We started the tour after having breakfast in Plaça de la Independència and walked all the way up to the Cathedral, and we really mean it: we did climb each and every step to the top. After visiting the Cathedral, the Red and the Stone Bridges and going up and down lots of stairs, we took a bus to the CIRS (Centre d’Investigació de Robòtica Submarina- Investigation Centre of Underwater Robotics) to see what our classmates had been working on.

CIRS is a team which belongs to the University of Girona who works in the research and development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
They offer their research, engineering and field operations experience to companies and institutions.